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What We Do.

Meal for Millions is a non-profit organization whose goal is to lead a single movement for a hunger-free state in the United States.

Facts & Resources.

Not sure how you can get started helping? Please view our page of facts and resources to get more info and how you can help!

Our Blog.

Insights on solutions and contributors to hunger and the lives of needy Americans from Meals for Millions, as well as staff and guest contributors.

Our Mission

Our mission is to lead a concerted movement towards a hunger-free U.S. Our goal is to ensure access to good, healthy food for every person in every society.

Our vision

At Meals for Millions we strive to help our neighbors that are affected by poverty and put an end to human poverty in the United states.

Everyone Can Help! Get Started Today!

Today, 37 million people are facing hunger in the U.S .— including over 11 million children and almost 5.4 million seniors. Hunger knows no boundaries — it affects every U.S. culture, including your own.

Our Principles


Each person has the right to meet their own basic needs such as food, housing, medical care, clothing, and education.


All human beings should be treated as a dignified member of the human family, regardless of race, religion, gender, color or social status, and should be embraced with understanding and respect.


We are here to serve people through education, creating awareness and acts of kindness to the best of our abilities.

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